3 Great Reasons to Practice Compassion

There are those that read a little bit about Compassionate Communication or even come along to a Foundations Workshop but then don't actually continue with the practice of it and then wonder why  it doesn't work!

I liken that to reading a book on yoga, or even doing a weekend course in yoga, but then never actually practicing yoga and wondering why your body is still stiff.

Here are 3 great reasons why I recommend developing a practice of compassion: 

1. It will give you a longer life!

A bold promise right? but the practice of loving-kindness literally strengthens the immune system, normalises blood pressure, lowers stress levels and improves physical recovery from illness. It turns out that compassionate connection with others, is the number one key ingredient to longevity, even more than diet and exercise! Although I wouldn't want to discount those things either hey 😉.  

2. It is guaranteed to make life more wonderful.

Promises, promises I hear you say, but think about it: the ability to self-regulate through self-compassion, and empathy for others, develops psychological flexibility which means you are better resourced to meet life just the way it is, including dealing with the hard stuff.  And if you can do that, then you can expect more ease, love, joy, co-operation, safety and emotional stability in your life. Now wouldn't that be wonderful? 👍

3.  It is highly infectious!

A true fact! And look, call me hedonistic but the reason I love practicing compassion so much is that it feels so GOOD!  Even if I miss the mark sometimes ( and believe me I do, just ask my teenager), it is in the coming 'home' to my compassionate nature, that feels the best, because it generates the most connection and love. And that's the sort of infection we actually want to spread right? ❤️

I'm running an online practice group on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month for 2020.

More info and tickets here.

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